In this event, we will explore best practices in relation to safeguarding and budgeting across various areas of money guidance such as budgeting, housing and financial planning.
You’ll also get a walkthrough of the Money Midlife MOT that will provide your clients with a comprehensive assessment of their financial well-being to help them to make the right decisions and understand the support available to them.
Date and time: Wednesday, December 13 · 10am - 1pm GMT
Location: 17 Old Ford Road Bethnal Green London E2 9PJ
Who is it for?
Money guiders, including both volunteers and employees, who deliver money guidance support from signposting to more complex guidance in organisations as well as anyone in community organisations and groups who helps others with money problems.
Nicola Tudor- Trading Standards
Money and Pensions Service
More speakers to be announced.
Please note that this in-person event is limited to 12 participants so please book early to guarantee your place. If you find that you can no longer come after you've booked, please let us know so that we can offer your place to someone else.