Confidence with your money and finances is more than increasing savings and spending less. Experiences, emotions and communication about money all impact your relationship to money.Find out more
Confidence with money, and building financial capability skills, has a profound effect on your staff, clients and their families. But we need to look at beliefs, motivations and attitudes about money, not just our practical skillsFind out more
Made of Money has been working with people to promote financial wellbeing for over 15 years. So why do we do it?
To the best of our knowledge QSA’s Made of Money team was the first UK provider of financial capability support to recognise the imp…Find out more
Over 3,100 households have taken part in our financial capability workshops since Made of Money started in 2005.
People make change for themselves
Evaluation of Made of Money has shown a wide range of differences people start to make in their lives th…Find out more