Can you help improve financial capability and money advice resources?
Quaker Social Action is inviting frontline practitioners working with financially vulnerable people to fill out a survey on what good quality financial capability support should look like.
The survey is targeted at frontline staff, volunteers and service managers who provide financial capability support as part of their role, or those whose primary job is providing money guidance to people who access their services.
About the survey
The survey has been put together to help build a picture of the types of people and organisations who help others with their money matters. The results will help shape what quality financial capability support should look like and the development of the sector.
It should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete and will close on March 10th.
About the financial capability consortium
QSA is one of fourteen organisations from the advice, learning & skills, youth and community sectors who have come together, with the Money Advice Service, to form a consortium focusing on financial capability.
The consortium will determine ways of meeting the resource and learning needs of frontline practitioners, offering money-guidance or financial-capability support to people of all ages and from a range of situations.
If you have any further questions, please contact: