How our funeral costs helpline and guidance is helping people who are struggling to pay for a funeral.
Since 2010, we have run the only UK-wide service for people struggling with funeral costs, Down to Earth. Our helpline is there for people in the depths of grief, providing effective and compassionate advice to prevent undue financial distress. The team continues to play a central role in influencing government policy and industry practice on funeral poverty, using a unique frontline expertise to speak truth to power. The project has now supported over 4,500 families directly.
About the webinar
This is the second in our series of free webinars which give you the opportunity to find out more about Quaker Social Action’s practical action against poverty and how our projects are adapting in response to the coronavirus pandemic. It’s also a chance to see how supporters can help us meet the needs of our communities.
The webinar will begin with a brief introduction from Rachel Quinsee, Individual Giving Officer at QSA, followed by an update from Lindesay Mace, who leads the Down to Earth service. There will be an opportunity to ask Lindesay questions at the end, so please feel free to submit these when you register or ask at the end of the webinar.
11:00 - Start time and introduction
11:05 - Lindesay Mace, Down to Earth Acting Manager
11:20 - Q&A
11:30 - Close
We hope you can join us. If you have any queries please email the fundraising and communications team
Find out more about our coronavirus appeal and how together we can help people on low incomes today and on the road ahead.