In recent days our England-wide network for anyone giving any kind of money guidance in England has surpassed 4,000 active members.
QSA first started building the network in mid-2021 so the milestone has been reached in just 3 years.
The network provides digital and in person learning opportunities to anyone who self-identifies as being involved in money guidance – essentially any form of unregulated money help.
Network members work or volunteer in a wide variety of roles and organisations. At any Money Guiders England event we expect to find staff from housing associations, local authorities, hospices, credit unions, food banks, local community voluntary organisations, faith groups, Citizens Advice, work and health coaches, social prescribers and many more.
We recently some of our network participants to tell us what they find most satisfying about being in a money guidance role. One said:
“Knowledge of finance empowers people and gives confidence to achieve for themselves. My community is not wealthy and simply avoiding debt means a lot, specially to younger people taking on adult responsibilities.” Another added that its “Making a difference to people's lives and reducing their stress.”
Our events continue to impress. At our recent “Money Planning for Independent Living” workshop with Made of Money from QSA, 90% of respondents stated that the content was highly or quite relevant and 100% of respondents rated the event 4 or 5 out of 5.
The initiative is fully-funded by the Money and Pensions Service and is part of a larger offer to money guiders including a competency framework to measure against, certified e-learning and 4 national networks – one for each UK nation.
Money Guiders England has a website and is part of a UK-wide knowledge hub with forum and past event resources. They can also be found on LinkedIn, X and more recently on BlueSky, Instagram and TikTok.
You can join by visiting this link.