This workshop explores what Ageism - that last acceptable -ism - is, and how it affects us as individuals and as a society. Using the key messages identified by older people of Age Proud Leeds campaign will explore the subject and learn how we can challenge this prejudice.
Date and time: 7 March 2024 10:00 - 11:30
Location: Online
Who is this session for?
Money guiders who want to reduce the risk of inadvertently being ageist and are interested in how they can challenge prejudice.
Jessica Duffy - Good Practice Mentor - Leeds Older People's Forum
Event hosts: Jez and Lucille from Money Guiders England
The event takes place on Zoom. Auto-generated closed captions will be available as standard.
We will endeavour to share the speaker's presentation in advance with everyone who registers for the event.
If you have other accessibility requirements, please inform the hosts when you register and we will do our best to meet them.